Growing up fast

Time flies doesn't it. 10 years ago, I was heavily (and I mean 15 and a half stone heavily) pregnant with James. He should have arrived around 25th March, instead, he hung on in there until 7th April, and then he was pretty reluctant to come out. I was just shy of 16 stone the day before he was born - the little monkey kept giving me cravings for Cadbury's Cream eggs - I was munching about 6 a day. That's my excuse.

Anyway, I digress. He's always been the most important thing in my world, from the day I knew I was pregnant. Even when life has been pretty rubbish, he has been there, smiling at me, giving me hugs and making sure that I remember what's important. He is wise beyond his years, polite, funny and he makes me very proud. So much so, that sometimes I get a little tear in my eye when people tell me what a lovely boy he is.

Life has been pretty hard on him at times, with me and his Dad divorcing a few years back. He's had some upheaval, as fellow blippers know, but he has been tough and come through the other side, and now is my happy, bouncy and exuberant child once more. He has come to terms with decisions that important people in his life have made and understands that sometimes adults don't know what's best, and when they make poor decisions, it's their loss, not his. He is surrounded by people who love him. I am lucky that I have him, and that I have a soon to be husband who has so willingly stepped up to the plate to act as a role model for James too. James adores Corin and I know that their relationship with each other will continue to grow - it will be positive for both of them I am sure.

So today, we went and got James his 'wedding haircut' because it needs a couple of weeks to settle in, and also his wedding suit. It matches Corin's suit. It had to!

James has to look spot on - partly because he wants to look like James Bond, but also, because James is the person who is going to walk me down the aisle in two weeks time and hand me over to Corin. I think James has plans to ask Corin to pay him a delivery charge!!!

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