And so the sun sets...

Today was a strange day. When we got up this morning, we all carried on as though we were on holiday for a while...had our cooked breakfast, then Dad, James and I went on a 2km walk along one of the coastal paths. We did this with the sound backdrop of the foghorn at the lighthouse sounding at 30 -60 second intervals, which it had been doing since 2am. I hadn't noticed at all, until I woke up quite naturally this morning at 8am. It continued sounding till well into the afternoon, although we left to travel to Truro before it stopped. On our walk along the coastal path, we reached the lighthouse which then enabled us to hear the harmonic of the sound travel and bounce along each of the coves from the Lizard, up to Cadwith, Kennack and well beyond. It was beautiful - like a stone skims across the water, the sound skimmed and bounced and changed its tone as it bounced away. Lovely. Dad and James just thought it was annoying and loud!!! As yet it hasn't re-started, but it is foggy out to sea again, so its likely!

Travelled to Aunty Pat's funeral. It was a lovely service, where the celebrant read mine, my Dad's and my brother's tributes to Pat with real warmth and feeling - conveyed everything that each of us wanted to share. The theme from INspector Morse accompanied her into the service, and we listened to Johnny Ray's "A little white cloud that cried" and then an Everley Brothers track. Everyone sang in fine voice the only hymm - All things bright and beautiful (even James sang - he was pleased that he knew it from school). It was hard - as soon as the Hearse arrived and I saw the coffin, every bit of my resolve to try not to let go went out of the window and during the course of the service, James held my hand, and cried with me - I think more because he could see I was upset. He has since been very affectionate with lots of unsolicited hugs and "I love you's" - he hasnt even complained when I have given him a kiss!

We went on to a small wake afterwards, which was lovely, and would have made Pat happy to see us all together. Whilst there, I opened a small pouch that had been passed to me by Pat's good friend Maureen, who has done much of the organisation for us. In it were the ear-rings that Pat wore on her wedding day to uncle Jim, her engagement and wedding rings, and my Uncle Jim's wedding band. For sentimenta value, these things mean more than I can begin to describe - Pat knew that I would treasure them. So thank you Pat!

We returned to the hotel around 5.30pm. The light ws perfect - sun beginning to set, so Dad suggested I take myself off for a walk - I went for about an hour - saw rabbits, a lot of birds roosting on the cliffs, 4 Wild Shetland ponies grazing on the cliff tops and lots of other stuff - 400 photos later I met up with James who came to find me and we wandered to the other side of the cliff (down the path and up the other side - my legs ache!) and met up with my brother. James went off with him, I came back, then suddenly it was dark and I panicked...nevr been so relieved as I was to hear James chattering away when he walked through the front door with Chris...

Late dinner, quick chat to Corin and its time for bed now - James is sparked out on the other bed...I'm very close myself.

Night all.

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