Highly Devastated Room

That's what HDR stands for.
Jimbo has been out for most of the day. He briefly visited mid afternoon, with 3 friends in tow, raided his room and departed. He revisited about 30 minutes later, dumped his stuff and disappeared again.
This is the result.
Utter carnage.
I have now tidied it up, against my better judgement, but it was a potential death trap in there AND I needed to get to the window to open it to allow the room to air!!!
Boys. What fun!

I guess I have even more joyousness to look forward too as teenage years approach rather too rapidly for my liking.

Despite having no inclination to do anything, I have actually managed to write two full class sets of reports this afternoon. I am shortly going to retrieve the wee man and then sit on the sofa and read my book (the novelisation of "V for Vendetta" - started it last night, had to make myself put it down around 1am).

I have also discovered that I don't recognise ANY of the songs in the charts anymore. I am officially outdated.

Slippers, blanket and a bit of Dire Straits for me then?!

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