Snow After Midnight

It snowed more last night but it was all mostly gone this morning when it was raining, and has continued to rain throughout the day but a lot sunny spells in between :)

A busy day in the office working with photos and the database. Also getting a lot of the Christmas orders through, hopefully the photos should arrive for most before Christmas :)
I've been waiting all day to hear on my car, fingers crossed it passes it MOT. It feels like waiting for exams results, so stressful lol.
Off to work again in the pub tonight but happy thoughts, almost booked next year's holidays to Majorca :)

It had been snowing throughout the night when I was at work, when I finished it had stopped. The street seemed calm and peaceful with the snow on the ground, or maybe felt that way after a near fight in the pub with the oilmen. Shame the snow didn't last again! Taken just after midnight on Main Street, Scalloway.

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