
By ZE1Christie

Wine At The Beach?

A day of mixed weather, sun was shining with rain showers and hail showers too.

I've had the day off today and avoided most of the household chores and went out walkies with Sammy dog instead :) I went down to Quendale beach in the afternoon with Sammy as I can let him off the lead on a beach, or so I thought! He's usually very good at the beach but today he ran off into the sand dunes and wouldn't come back. He's was hard to spot in dunes as he is the same colour as the long dune grass and also all the rabbit tunnels through the grass made it even harder. After 15 minutes roaring and shouting and getting soaked in the grass, he finally made his mistake and charged passed me and I managed to grab him and back on the lead.

Not sure if someone had been to the beach recently for a bottle of wine or it had just washed up but the label was still on it. Not really much weather to sit at the beach for a glass just now :) Taken on the Quendle beach.

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