It's a wrap!!!

Ozzy, my very gorgeous golden retriever boyfriend, is turning into a right little rebel. He used to be a bit of a wuzz dog but he’s really starting to ‘man up’ now. I love a bad boy.

This afternoon it was pouring with rain, but I always get an afternoon walk whatever the weather, so we went back to the beach.

Ann said that after yesterday's incident with my pink bouncy ball, she wasn’t going to let Ozzy anywhere near any more of my bouncy balls. So instead we did seal chasing (there were LOADS of seals in the sea today), rolling on our backs on the sand and swimming.

When I’m really wet & stinky I get dried and then I have to sit in the car, wrapped in a towel, for the whole of the journey home. Today Ann wrapped us both up in towels and then explained to Ozzy that he had to stay like that until we dropped him off at his house. Ozzy doesn’t understand a word Ann says to him, was really naughty. As soon as Ann started driving he shook his towel off, so when we got to his house he was completely naked and very wet and stinky.

I was well impressed by how much of a rebel he was.

…………….I tried doing that once and when we got home Ann shouted at me, re-wrapped me up and made sit in the car while she unpacked all the shopping and faffed around doing other stuff so I’ve never dared to do it again.

I was soooo looking forward to seeing Ozzy get into trouble!!!

………….But do you know what?…………. When we got to Ozzy’s house all she said was, ‘Ozzy, you’re very wet & stinky.’ And then she put him back into his house and phoned one of his owners and said, ‘Expect to be greeted by a stinky dog when you come home!’

Sometimes life is very unfair???!!!

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