Naughty Ozzles!

This afternoon we picked up Ozzy, my very gorgeous golden retriever boyfriend, so that he could come for a play on the beach with me.

Ann said, ‘Molly, we’ll take your pink bouncy ball and you can have races with Ozzy to see who can get it first.’ When Ozzy has stayed with us before he has chewed up my bouncy ball but Ann had temporarily forgotten that.

Well, the first time Ozzy got the ball he just ran around with it and wouldn’t give it back and then he lay down and chewed it up into hundreds of little pieces!!! I was so, so upset. And then do you know what happened? ……………….Right at the moment when Ozzy had chewed up the very last bit, a very lovely golden retriever called Jess came along.

Jess’s owner said, ‘Oh, it’s Ozzy isn’t it? He loves these little fish treats.’ And she gave him a treat. She also give me one. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. If I’d done something as naughty as chewing up a bouncy ball, no way would Ann give me treats. That's like saying, 'Ozzy you've been a really bad boy so I'll reward you for being so naughty with some treats???'

.......................................And for the rest of the time on the beach we didn’t have a bouncy ball to play with, so we just had to go splishing and splashing and sploshing in the sea instead!!!

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