In the dark

Went to work.................... in the dark.  Came home....................... in the dark.  Had all my walks.................. in the dark.  Got blipped........................ in the dark.  This is St Ives.................... in the dark.

................And now my owner, Ann, has something to say..............

£42,815.00 raised – 76 days to go – I’ve pledged.  Have you???

When the news broke that ‘PolaroidBlipfoto’ did not intend to support the running costs of the site much longer; my immediate thought was.................  ‘Well any idiot knew that was going to happen.  You cannot sell a community!!!’

When ‘Polaroid’ took over, (as far as I was concerned), EVERYTHING changed.  And let’s face it Blippers, a lot of us are over 50 & we don’t like change. Lol!  I couldn’t find my ‘subscribers’ (cos they’d changed to ‘followers’), ‘spotlight’ disappeared but was replaced with ‘popular’ (though it took me months to discover this).  And most of my Blip friends who I’d met in real life even though my nephew told me it was very dangerous to meet people off the internet left the site.

I’ve thought about leaving more than once in the last year (& I even signed up to the 365 site) and I probably would have made a grand exit on my 5th Blipday,  if Polaroid hadn’t mislead me into thinking my 5th Blipday was a day after when I thought it was.  But the thing that keeps me going apart from the fact that I am absolutely besotted with my very gorgeous little collie dog, Molly is the BLIP community.

I have almost 750 followers.  I don’t know the exact number because I keep forgetting where to go to see the statistics.  I sometimes worry that I’m becoming a bit demented........... but I think I’m just untechie???  In the ‘good old days’ I knew exactly how many subscribers I had and I commented on loads of BLIPS.  BLIP was like a little community of really nice people.  Now I post my Blip and pretty much just ignore the rest of you.............................

......................However............................ I’m rambling now and Coronation Street is just about to start.

................The ‘BLIPFUTURE’ team seem to have a great vision to take the BLIP community forward.

I will freely admit that I haven’t a clue about the financial side of how much it costs to run a site like BLIP.  I wouldn’t have a clue where to begin to build a website like BLIP. And I did a night class in ‘building a website’.  See I do try to be techie. lol.  I just post my BLIP each day and I absolutely love the fact that I now have a diary of more than 5 years of my life.  OK – 5 years of Molly the gorgeous collie’s life.  I like to stay anonymous.  I still find the internet a bit scary.

Anyway Coronation Street has now started the thing that brought it home to me about what a fabulous community BLIP is................................

.............................. in no particular order...............................

...............the way that these Blippers have formed friendships (through BLIP) and are able to help each other out in times of hardship.  Please click on the links below.

Visions of Cumbria

And for that very reason I’ve pledged.  ..............Tis the season of goodwill and all that. 

Oh & one final comment – Yes the questionnaire to become a shareholder/investor is a bit tricky but here’s my ‘handy hint’.  And I’ve had ‘Handy Hints’ published in ‘Take a Break’ magazine so I must be good???

Don’t invest any more than you can afford to lose.  And when filling in the questionnaire just keeping ticking a load of boxes till it accepts you.  Lol!

PS – Can’t believe I’ve given this BLIP the title ‘In the dark’.   BLIPFUTURE – you’re being brilliant at keeping us all informed.  Thank you. Axxx

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