
By Eilatanfoto

The Gentle Night

The gentle hum of summer. Water across rocks near a bridge where people pose for photographs filled with hopes and memories. A light scent drifts across the balmy night air; Honey and lollypops & sweet bubbles of champagne. We sit on a swing almost still but not; satin, lace & suits walk around us but don't see us. We can hear distant laughter and music for dancing - a celebration of happiness is underway. We have taken refuge from the joyous activity, from the click click of cameras and phones, from laugh along speeches and rich chocolate cake. We are hiding in the garden watching the magic trees whose gently lit leaves invite imagination to take over. We will go back in to the celebrations soon but for now we will drift in and out, smile and wander amongst the stars.

This blip is a tree, in a garden at a wedding of dear friends - Friday chaos gave way to happiness and a gentle night.

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