
By Eilatanfoto


There are a thousand things that can make you smile. Balloon animals, chocolate cake, anything that sparkles, dull broken treasures attached to fond memories, people we have known, people we know and the people we are yet to meet. Sometimes it might be a sound or a colour or an image that takes us to a happy place, a photo posted by a stranger who becomes familiar and even a friend. Sometimes the images inspire, evoke curiosity, intense imagination or just changes the way you look at a day.

We are lucky here on blip, to have access to the world. Not everyone will be here every moment and on occasion life insists they stay away though they still visit and we know they are there. I guess the important thing is that they know we still look for the images and think fondly of them and wish them well wherever they are in this world.

This is a Christmas tree - it's just a little different to what people expect. Some mistake it for artistic scaffold, cold hard metal, technically brilliant, distinct in its purpose and unable to bend. I know different .... it's a wonderful tree, evolving, growing, watching over us and though not everyone understands it the same way, we are happy it is here, we are happy to see it when we can, & we hope its stays strong and is happy where it is.

Look after yourself 'L'. Be safe and strong and remember you are in our thoughts & though I know your world is very different, I hope you can still find reasons to smile.

Merry Christmas.

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