One River: Mall Heron

Despite things going wrong today, I enjoyed myself. It was good to get out after a few days of rubbish weather and things to do at home. I thought it was about time I did the next leg of my One River project, which would take me past Meadowhall Shopping Centre and towards Rotherham. First of all I missed my bus which meant I ended up starting my walk from a slightly different spot, but then after less than half my planned walk, I encountered a path closure that I hadn't reckoned with, and as it would have taken too long to find the alternative route, I abandoned the walk and decided to do a few errands nearer home, collecting some pictures I had had printed. I also called in at a local park where the recent arrival of goosanders had been reported. I was not disappointed - there were 5 present - but by this time the light was not really good enough to get decent shots.

My river adventure is not panning out as I had envisaged, but no matter. I didn't get started until June, as the moorland where the river rises were too boggy to negotiate. this means that I am spending the shorter winter days in the area nearest home, and as I travel downstream, the days will lengthen to give me the travelling time I will need. The river beyond Rotherham will be tricky as it flows through some inaccessible areas and may necessitate a bit of exploration and perhaps a few glimpses of the river from as yet unknown areas. However, as it rejoins the route of the Trans Pennine trail, there should be an easy and pleasant approach to Doncaster before further detailed onward route planning will be needed.

I saw a few interesting birds over Meadowhall on my shortened walk today, including a Peregrine, a Cormorant and a flock of Long-tailed Tits. This rather scrawny Heron was standing by the river only yards away from Debenhams.

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