
By carliewired

There's Always a Reminder

A military
nation displays its strength
in so many ways

~ carliewired

It is always just a little jarring to my peace-loving Canadian mind when I see 'instruments' of war in public places. A tank in a cemetery seems so out of place to me. The church where I quilt on Monday mornings backs on this cemetery so this is the view from the church parking lot. One day there was a military funeral conducted in the cemetery while I was at the church. Our group makes donation quilts, with some going to war vets. These young men and women sometimes do not come home all in one piece. Sometimes they come home to be buried. I find this tank a rather grim reminder that there is American military action in other parts of the world.

Yuma is home to the Marine Air Station, the biggest of its kind in the USA. Military are present in the air and in the community every day. We see and hear the Harrier jets. We drive past the Air Station on our way to town. Marines jog along the highway in their fatigues. To the northeast of us we have the Yuma Proving Grounds where military test out equipment. We hear their target practices sometimes.

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