Just when you thought...
... it was safe to go back up the stairs... Scaffolding 2...
Though this time you'd be hard pushed to bang your head on it, and it has been used to stand on and apply plaster to walls so I can hardly complain.
Meanwhile, I spent most of the day in CarbBoy's school doing the Christmas workshop. There was a good turn out of parents which made everything easier as you could spend time with a kid, rather than flitting around trying to help everyone at once. I ended up with Crying Boy for a spell (he's only 2 and a half, bless) and all my jokes and funny clay modelling were for nothing - all I had to do was mention that I was CarbBoy's mum and he was suddenly all smiles and confidence. Later in the playground I watched as he grabbed firmly onto CarbBoy in the regular post-lunch round of picking sides for football. CarbBoy's big pals were trying to drag him into their team and he refused and insisted he was with Crying Boy. It is still a very odd feeling for me that CarbBoy is one of the big kids now.
At breakfast he was definitely still my little boy though, curled on my lap, feverish with cold. He insisted on going to school, and Calpol got him there.
I was shivering with a different kind of cold later after 2 hours painting windows - which had to be open. I've nearly warmed up... I'm getting that dangerous feeling again that the house is getting closer to being done....
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