School office, for much chatting about pipe dreams (of the 'let's forget the Bishop and turn it into a Montessori school' variety) and very little actual work. Mr B was just up when I got back, so there was chat and then shopping and lunch. Curtains called in the afternoon, then dinner was a rabbit casserole that was a raging success with 100% of meal participants (well, except for the rabbit but we didn't ask her/him) - so that'll be coming to a menu near here again very soon.
A long chat with Mam and now, despite having done very little actual work, I might just go to sleep. MrB has been putting the kids to bed for ever - I very much hope he isn't trying to discuss Shakespeare homework at bedtime...
Edit: why can't I post edited photos from the iPad? This 'out of the back door' shot looked really cool after a bit of work. Honest.
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