One of the nice parts of the run up to Christmas

Awake early this morning, had a cup of tea and we were out on our walk into town by 9.15. Had to get back at for 12.30 as I was going to watch a referee in the afternoon.

All week the weather has been grey, dank, dull and depressive but today, all that had gone. There was a sharp overnight frost and a sunny morning that turned into the best of sunny but cold winter days. A delightful, if slippy in parts, walk into town where the Salvation Army were performing Christmas carols in the main street. It always brings on the magic of Christmas does the Sally Army band.

When I arrived back from the match Susan had decorated the house, 3 trees, ornaments without number and other mementos now adorn the house adding to the good feeling that began with the Salvation Army in the morning.

By gosh it was cold watching the game. The coldness seeped in my wellington boots and gradually crept up my legs as the afternoon went on. I could either stand in the sun and see nothing or go to the other side of the pitch and stand in the shade. I had to opt for the shady side but I didn't really get warm again until I was in the shower before dinner.

A wonderful winter's day. Let's bring on more of these.

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