I'll come to the bouncing meat later...
Earlier there was an earplug-enabled lie in for me until the unthinkable hour of 9 am! That left me fighting fit for the rest of the day, despite the ongoing sinusitis and chest something issues. In fact I only got up in case our friendly builder was in the garden working and in need of his usual coffee injection. But the wall of rain had obviously discouraged him (tiling in the rain probably not being a great idea) so we could just get on with a normal day.
For Mr B and I that meant DIY shopping, for CarbBoy it meant watching SlinkyLongPants videos (I refuse to learn his 'proper' name) and for TallGirl it meant working her way up slowly to 2 syllable words and taming the birds nest that some passing bird had inconveniently dropped on her head as she slept.
After lunch it was time for CarbBoy's basketball match, which it was my turn to go to. Unfortunately it was in the Vieille Salle which was clearly built in the Ice Age and is appropriately freezing. However, any first quarter shivering was soon dispelled by the excitement of the match - not only very close, but against a team who played dirty and brought a crowd of parents who shouted to put our guys off in penalty shots and then cheered if they missed. However at the end when our guys scored four baskets in about 30 seconds, they shut up, stopped cheering for their team and started slagging them off instead, I came very close to a rousing rendition of 'you only sing when you're winning'. Happily for whatever dignity remains to me, I was too hoarse from hollering 'allez Lavaur' for what felt like hours. Anyway, the years lost from my life in stress were all worth the 43-37 victory.
Later, Mr B and I thrashed out a new Minecraft policy before dinner, while TallGirl worked (finally) on some homework for a lurking Godparent. Dinner, shown above, was kangaroo steaks (which we called 'venison' for the kids as they may be used to eating cute deer, but not cute marsupials). I wasn't convinced, but TallGirl loves 'Australian venison'. At a family meeting after dinner the Minecraft limitation policy was unveiled and met a surprisingly restrained response from the kids. I'm not sure how convincing my "I have many ways of knowing" in response to their "how will you know if we break the rules?" was. Let's see how tomorrow's launch goes...
However, immediately following the family meeting came exactly the kind of discussion we love. Maybe there's hope.
There's no hope, however, for my back. The two male family members fell asleep during a show about castles, and it turns out that a sleeping CarbBoy is now officially heavier than I can manage. LeadBoy, more like. Happily MrB woke up before bedtime.
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