TallGirl had no school today (her teachers had called, at short notice, a 'Day of Reflection'....) and I think she wasn't best pleased that I had forgotten and woke her up at 7.15 as usual. I think mainly she was annoyed that she dutifully came downstairs and was half-way through a bowl of (made herself) porridge before she realised that she could have still been in bed. She returned there forthwith, and spent the whole day "tidying her room" (by which, of course, I mean mooching around and not doing much).
Meanwhile, there was a world of washing, tidying, furniture building and shopping for me. Mailing a parcel nearly finished me off, but the post lady agreeing that the new automated system was rubbish helped. Later I somehow heard myself agreeing to bake loads of stuff for a bake sale for TallGirl's school next weekend. I really have to learn to keep a check on my big mouth.
Still later, the making of mincemeat finally happened after our order of suet arrived (and TallGirl helpfully remembered the rest of Christmas while we were in the shop - crackers and chocolate oranges). At some point in the evening (my tolerance of Front Row varies day to day) I turn off Radio 4 and, usually, wander off to be entertained by the telly. By Friday, however, I have generally exhausted my stock of what I want to watch and no-one needs to be exposed to unedited French TV, so I turn to music. Earlier today something had put me in mind of Suzanne Vega - who I haven't listened to for ages. And within a few bars I was back in Holywell 3 whatever (5?) whiling away time that should have been spent in the library. I love how music puts you right back there.
Later still, this mincemeat was made to the tune of the Fratellis (which explains the amount of ingredients on the floor). I mostly use grams nowadays, but some recipes need ounces I think. Mincemeat is definitely one of them. Now, crooning along to the Eagles is rounding off my evening cocktail of music rather soothingly.
EDIT: I should note that Nelson Mandela died last night. Discussing it today with the kids was interesting. TallGirl was really upset. They studied him last year at school - the only non-French person they studied at all. I think that gave her a sense of his importance. CarbBoy just thought he hadn't understood what I was saying when I was describing the South Africa of years ago. "It's like a movie" he said "It's not something real." What TallGirl most couldn't understand was the lack of retribution when he was elected President. That's the strongest lesson I take from his life.
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