
By Eilatanfoto


E31??? That's what it said. E31 ....but what did that mean?

I had youtubed how to clean the filter, I had done a reset. And, as we sat there staring in awe at the magic that is a self diagnosing washing machine we wondered - what exactly was E31?

"Google will know", we thought. Why wouldn't it? It is a
computer after all?

"E31" it said, "is a common error that occurs with this model oven..."

We looked at each other, a curious confusion washing over us...an oven error? Did this mean my washing machine had issues, indeed multiple personalities? Had I just perceived it as a washing machine when in fact the universe knew it to be otherwise and if so, what 'in reality', was my toaster? Was my washing machine an incarnation of Hal from that Space Odessy movie or is it possible google got it wrong???

Overwhelmed by the philosophical challenges E31 posed we scrolled down. Oh. It's also a machine drive error and you should call a service person if it persists. Hmmmm, we thought reconciling that E31 was not an indication that the washing machine was infact a time travel device similar in proportions to a tardis, ...we would have to call someone.

Alternately, as it was my birthday, we decided the best course of action was to go out for breakfast. It is a brilliant solution to many washing machine issues irrelevant of the day and I would highly recommend it - unless, of course your washing machine is actually a time travel machine, in which case go back in time and check out this storm inspired sunset, then drop by for cake :)

Have a great week everybody!

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