Bad Moon Rising...
Bit of a whirlwind day today...
First thing this morning I made a batch of Lamb Jalfrezi - half filled our maslin pan - about 10 good portions. Smells were wonderful...
Whilst it was cooking I dismantled some old wardrobe fittings and then assembled Mrs madwills' new shelving that we acquired yesterday at IKEA.
Leaving the curry to cool, I grabbed a sandwich and then loaded up the car with the dismantled wardrobe bits and an old chest of drawers and took them to the tip.
Stopped off at the bank to pay some money in, tried to buy something from Sainsbury's only to find all the staff and customers standing around in the car park and the fire alarm going off!
Home again by 3:30 and straight out with the dogs before it got too dark..and this is when I captured the moon rising over the fields..sadly the moon is all blown highlight and no amount of recovery would bring it back - so it is bad :-)
Tea tonight was the curry - only it was very fiery - I think the recipe was maybe a little generous with the chillies, so next time we have some I need to make a batch without chillies and mix them together!
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