A Spa Day

The Spa day at the Sheraton dawned this morning. The swim suit was wriggled into and a sybaritic 3 hours was spent swimming, lying in the outdoor jacuzzi and sitting about in various steam rooms chatting with neighbours old and new.

It was all lovely and enjoyable, but at the end of the day I was conscious that, as my Grandmother would say, it was not " making pinnies for the bairns".
In other words there were things that should I should be doing back in the Dower House, such as making Christmas cards.

His Lordship has made his Christmas cards for people some of whom I have never met, while I suspect that it is my job to make all the rest.
However as you know I am going to play dead this year except for those special friends who know I am very much alive.

Now if you'll excuse me, it is back to cutting and sticking.

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