End of Term Lunch

Every upended bottle tells a story.
Today we had our last creative writing class and three of us celebrated the end of term with a lunch out on the town.

All this restaurant eating of the past weeks is doing unutterable damage to my shape, which was not great to start with and is now much worse. Whereas I thought I would return from India thinner and more lithe, possibly having had a dose of Delhi Belhi and being careful about what I could eat, the opposite has been the case -no upset stomach and clean hotel food, so that I now feel like an overstuffed bolster.

This makes the thought of struggling into my already tight and revealing bathing costume tomorrow the stuff of nightmares. A friend is taking me to One Spa in Edinburgh as a treat, but in fact I cannot enjoy the experience for worrying about my silhouette.
There is just so much holding in of one's stomach that a girl can manage without doing terrible muscle damage, but needs must.

Here is a tip- never ever put a pair of black corduroy trousers with an Indian tissue hankie in the pocket, in the wash, unless you want to spend an hour with parcel tape trying to remove the resulting mess. I speak from experience.

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