...and baby makes 3

By babysoukup

Miles is very inclusive when it comes to his sisters. Like this afternoon before nap we told Miles we'd read him a couple Curious George stories and he said he wanted Emma and Hadley to listen too. So we piled into my bed for the stories and Miles sat there and held Emma's foot the entire time Mitch read.

Then tonight we have the girls their first bath at home at the same time Miles was in his big boy bath. He kept insisting that there was enough room for the girls to be in the bath with him (instead of the infant bath next to the sink).

Nana and Grandpa Mikey stopped by today to play and then took Miles out to lunch. He sure has had lots of special days lately! He even mentioned that last night when daddy drove us all to get a blizzard. On the way back he told us, "I've had lots treats...like today and last day and last week..." We told him that's right, because he's such a good big brother!

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