...and baby makes 3

By babysoukup

Whenever I go anywhere with all three kids in tow I always get a few comments from well meaning strangers. Mostly it's, "you have your hands full!" And honestly I am just used to the three little munchkins...but there is one time where I am always overwhelmed when I'm solo with three kids. And that is at the doctor. Because their doctor is right by their school and about 25 miles from home I'm usually by myself with the whole gang...getting flu shots, checking on ear infections, etc. Today was the girls 1 year check up - during their nap time...Emma has a double ear infection and Hadley just wouldn't let me put her down. It was brutal. I don't think I have sweat so much not working out in my life. But...besides the ear infection both girls are doing great!
Here are their official stats:
19lbs 6oz & 28 inches tall
21lbs 13oz & 29.5 inches tall

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