Sue Le Feuvre

By UrbanDonkey

Constitution Steps again...

... this time the view from two thirds of the way up. I didn't walk up the steps because it's much closer for me to get from home to the top on the road. But I did walk down.
Here we are above the markets which can be seen to the right of the pic. The long roof lights just behind the building in the foreground and behind the chimney in the thumbnail.

The steps are actually in three main flights. The first I blipped yesterday which have a flight off to the left part way up; and then a third flight off to the right. The top flight is actually the longest of the three. I have geotagged the pics and the steps are very clearly visible on the map. Each are a fair height and will be blipped soon.

Just think of what my knees and lungs are prepared to go through in the interests of blip...

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