Sue Le Feuvre

By UrbanDonkey

The old alleys of St Peter Port #5

I had all sorts of plans for today's blip, all of which involved walking to the other side of town. I set off a bit earlier than usual and thought I'd quickly snap the steps that are just a few yards up the road from home; I then headed through the alley onto the main road and started up the hill out of town. And then it started to rain. Not serious rain but a heavy drizzle that was simply unpleasant so I turned around pretty smart and came back home with just the one shot in my camera. But I quite liked it so today my blip is Les Escaliers des Corbins or Corbin Steps.

I'd like to add a few words of history and background to these but google revealed nothing. If you climb these steps then carry on up the steep lane you come to the top of the Blue Mountains or Les Cotils where this pic was taken.

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