In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

Black is black

Every year June tells our kids to give us our Xmas cards before Xmas Day, as she loves getting them all displayed.
Every year they manage to forget.
Not this year however.
Our first card arrived today. Well done Stevaan.
Hope he is feeling ok, as he isn't always this organised. Lol.

On another note.
Why are the British public so damn gullible?
Black Friday is an American thing to con Americans out of their money on the day after Thanksgiving. ( The Pilgrim Fathers will be severely rotating in their graves)
We don't celebrate Thanksgiving.
What is this urge we have to fill the pockets of the greedy corporations?
The scenes in some stores today are particularly shameful, with police being called out and people fighting.
Every day I get more saddened by how us humans behave.
I posted a Tweet the other day saying Scotland backs Ferguson. Somebody nastily tweeted back saying that we should have ' these' scroungers come live in my town.
Is that what some people want? Shooting people because they are 'scroungers'?
Happy Xmas eh?

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