Times Of My Life

By CarolB


10.55pm. Just got home after a very long day.

Left work at 6.50pm to go to a Women for Independence local meeting, where we were trying to define what we want to happen locally over the next few months. Expected to be done by 9pm, and home for half-past. Told G to record 'I'm A Celebrity' for me, and we'd watch it together when I got home. (I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, but it is one of the very few TV programmes that we BOTH like, and actually watch together).

No time to see a newspaper today, except The National, but it must have been printed last night, and nothing about Smith Commission's recommendations.

Meeting went on and on, I was getting pretty impatient when it got to 9.30pm, and we'd only got to item 2 on the Agenda! Aaaargh - what is it with people when you make them the Chair or organiser of something, that they suddenly want to talk for Europe?

9.50, I stood up and put my coat on, and pleaded an urgent need to get home (quite apart from being starving, having not had lunch or tea today). G just fheading off to bed by the time I came in, so no Jungle for me! Will have to watch a double-bill tomorrow.

Might as well catch up with Lord Smith and his (doubtless) disappointing recommendations before I make my way up the wooden hill. Someone at the meeting tonight said that the report did not meet the SNP's expectations: I suspect it absolutely WILL meet our expectations - just not our hopes and desires.

Off to Burntisland tomorrow to pick up the Bandits for the weekend, while Daddy takes Mummy out for some birthday treats.

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