After yesterday's rain (at least 6 inches in the previously empty bucket Mr B left outside yesterday) today saw some sunshine, which seems to have prompted all the remaining flowers in the garden to come out.
Otherwise, today saw revarnishing the bathroom ceiling (joy...) and putting some space-age thermal linings on CarbBoy's bedroom curtains. They're kind of like the things you see marathon runners wrapped in. Very odd. Let's see if they work (though as I cautiously only bought enough to do one window, it may not be optimum test conditions).
Yesterday's chum has not made a reappearance, but here's* a better photo, to convince those yet unconvinced of his cuteness.
I seem to have managed to forget to record that CarbBoy said I was a Georgian the other day. Turns out he meant Geordie, but it made for a confusing few minutes while we worked that out.
*Link will arrive when I remember my flickr password. Been so long since I had two shots for blip that I've quite forgotten how all this linking stuff works... Link arrived.
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