A fairly busy day, reorganising the kitchen, cleaning, ignoring curtains, dealing with a tricky neighbourhood problem. Blip was going to be a shot of probably the most beautiful cous cous ever made (jeweled 7 veg cous cous with parsley and caramelised pomegranate onions) until this little fella scampered into the kitchen. It's an edible dormouse in case anyone is thinking 'rat'...
After a few attempts at catching him, we just let him be - in the hope that he was driven indoors by the pouring rain and would leave through whichever of the many holes in our walls that he entered through as soon as things dried up a bit. We'll see. (And no, I don't know why the nail gun batteries are recharged in the kitchen and yes, I do need to buy some more wine.)
The rain was quite something. Happily it started after TallGirl's cross country race finished, but it did make the drive to CarbBoy's basketball a bit hairy (the Landrover was blocked in by builders' trucks so I had to use the slippy slidey car instead). Also happily not too much of the rain ended up in our house.
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