Tunnel of Love
It may look a little grubby, but this tiny polytunnel is a haven of warmth and comfort for lettuces (and some slightly straggly chard at the far end). Another jaw-achingly cold day - a renewed shock to the system after two milder wet days. With neither antifreeze nor a window scraper in the car, it fell to a bottle of water, a CD case and elbow grease to get the car in a safe state to drive.
Some school office work and a chat with CheeseLady about flags and gynaecologists (not linked). Then a rather lazy day including finishing my new book (a gratifyingly quick read after the last one, but one that certainly won't live as long in my memory). New treats arrived for the birds in the garden and, although the blue tits are rudely eating the food intended for the robins, it seems to be working out well.
Shopping for clothes with TallGirl was the usual mix of boredom (hers) in the reasonably priced shop and joy (hers) in the expensive shop. Sigh.
Now, after the traditional Friday night duck and chips, the Bourne Identity.
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