Let It Be ....... Track 10

2 rather sick wee puppies today.
Both the monsters are full of the cold - Squirrel ended up having to go to the doctor to get steroids for her croup. Even if nursery hadn't been cancelled due to the heating not working (again!) she would not have been going.

So there has been lots of cuddles and book reading being done.

SWMBO headed off to have her hair coloured before the holiday which meant that PD didn't get the length of walk he would have liked at lunchtime.
Maybe that is why he was so reluctant to sit nicely and have his picture taken.

I had to feed the kids myself whilst SWMBO and Bags headed off to the theatre.
They did not have as much as they would normally, but that was down to their stinking colds.

PD had his dinner put in front of him just as his owner arrived to collect him.
He came to see who had come in and went straight back to his dish.
I have never seen him wolf down his food so quickly!
You would think he hasn't eaten for a week.
But then he was jumping all over L trying to pretend that he loves her more than his food.
We didn't believe him.

Camera Club committee meeting was done and dusted in double quick time this evening which gave me the chance to get home and try and find my black brogues for taking with me.
That was a fail.
Now what I want to know is who has pinched them?

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