An Expensive Tree Shot

SWMBO was out for a ladies pampering session this morning.
I started organising clothes for the holiday and put finishing oil on a couple of bits of wood.

Then I nipped out to give some details to my mate who wants to organise a round of golf for his fiancé for her birthday while we are on St Lucia.
We worked out that his front doorbell has a couple of problems (one being a low battery) and he found that one of his new kitchen cupboards which were being fitted is 1/2" deeper than the other which was going to cause problems.
While he and his fitter mate tried to figure out the best way to deal with things I headed off to try and get a polarisor for my lens and a battery for his bell.

A bit over a mile from his house, in the middle of nowhere, I found a piece of concrete sticking out of the road edge with the side wall of my tyre.
So that was a dead tyre with a hole in the side wall.
Since my car has no spare wheel (just a can of useless repair fluid) it meant a walk back to my mates house to borrow a car, return and remove my wheel and head off to the tyre place and have a new tyre fitted.
The enforced walk was because I had managed to leave my phone at home.
Just as well it was dry.
The tree was blipped as I walked back and was the only picture I took today.

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