
Walked along to the home this morning but Dad was very quickly sound asleep so I carried on and walked into Lytham.

The word cobbler brings to my mind puddings, but here in Lytham there is actually a proper cobbler, mending shoes, with this automaton in his window. There are also two proper greengrocers, with a huge selection of all sorts of fruit, veg and flowers, butchers and game merchants, men's outfitters, cheese shop, bakeries and a specialist coffee shop full of the most wonderful smells. Also spent a long time in the tiny, but filled to the gunwales, book shop! A profitable morning - five presents off my Christmas list bought

Mum and I went to see Dad in the afternoon and he'd had some lunch and was a bit brighter. I'm going home tomorrow so it was very hard saying goodbye to him . . . .

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