Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

Sunshine after the Rain

Sometimes your memory plays tricks on you. I knew this was a song title but for the life of me I couldn't remember the artist. The beauty these days is that you are only a google search away. For someone who grew up before the internet the search would have involved prolonged slicking through reference books or visits to record shops but there would be no guarantee of finding the answer. Now it took less than 10 seconds.

You can only marvel at the information now at our fingertips but I have a realisation that I cannot maintain interest or concentration on an article on a website anymore. I skim the first few words and then am on to another site. Whether it i as a result of the amount of information now out there on the internet I am unsure, but I certainly recognise that my span of attention has reduced. I'm sure it isn't a good thing, but seem powerless to stop the impact.

If you are still reading this; not something I can expect if you are similarly afflicted, the lady concerned is revealed here. As for this image, I had to hold the camera high above my head to clear the hedge which was blocking a clear view. That is why the iso is higher than normal for my images. A 2 stop soft ND grad filter held back the sky to get a reasonable exposure.

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