When I'm Cleaning Windows

I have no idea what The Cygnet was thinking of when the window cleaners arrived this morning.
It isn't as if he hasn't seen them before.
But he just sat and stared at the guy doing the downstairs.
I thought the guy was going to wet himself laughing.

SWMBO and I were delighted when, after having it explained to him, the Cygnet sat in silence with us during the 2 minute silence.

When I went out to see a friend this afternoon I thought they was going to be a remake of The Birds with all the crows in the tree over the road. What a racket they were making.

All afternoon Squirrel insisted on trying to set a new fashion trend - "wellies boots" and no leggings.

The Cygnet's bruising has come out a bit more today and is creeping round his eye..

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