A Bit Of A Change

It was nice and clear and sunny when I left the house.

Then the fog rolled in.
Then it rolled out again and gave a glimpse of the moon.
Then it clouded over.

But before it did, the sun showed up the colourful berries and the last flower buds.

I got contacted twice by the garage today - the first time was a handwritten (in silver) black envelope.
My first thought was "This had better not be a bloody C card".
It wasn't - it was a 'personal invitation' to upgrade my car ............ to a smaller car with the same trim level. They have a strange idea of 'upgrade'.
The second contact was by phone from the service department. They have changed the brake pads free of charge (just as well because I wasn't giving them money for it) and tomorrow on Wednesday the scratched windscreen is being changed and the paintwork will be getting done. There was no mention of them paying for these repairs but since they caused the damage and I have not authorised the work they had better not be stupid enough to try it.

Bags arrived home from the trip to Bavaria this afternoon.
She seems to have enjoyed herself.

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