Just Checking

I am glad to say that The Cygnet has no fear of the dentist.
He goes in and climbs into the chair without having to be asked and grins like an idiot as the chair reclines.
He opens his mouth and allows the dentist to check his teeth without hesitation.

Hopefully his sister will be as cooperative next week (but I doubt it).

The garage phoned today - just to let me know how things were going (Head Office must be involved).
The brakes have been changed (Yes - I knew that) ........... the windscreen has been changed (that surprised me) ............ the painter should have it finished by Friday.
And the Wally In Charge Managing Director wants to examine it before it is returned.

There was a nice sunset building up this evening - but the wind was too strong and blew the clouds over before it really coloured up.

The speaker at the camera club caused a bit of debate in the pub after ............. should digital montage/art/weirdness be allowed to compete in the same competitions as 'straight' photography?
Guess what sort of work the speaker does?
I must say, there was a lot of his stuff I really did not like - I felt his photoshop work in a lot of his montages was really sloppy.

My alternative dentist shot is HERE

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