Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Wind in the trees

It is a rather blustery day, and I wanted to capture the movement of the wind in the trees - then I decided to try a zoom burst, which was quite a bit of fun.

I was interested to read all your comments on the spotlight selection - it seems we will never know how it is done!

Last night we had Adam's final parent's evening - fourteen years of school (including reception) and it is almost all over. What a significant part of our lives that is. It was all positive and the teachers are expecting great things from him in his final results...we will see. He is taking 5 A levels which is an enormous workload, I just hope he copes with all of it.

This weekend it is Remembrance Sunday - a significant one due to the centenary. We are going to a service at the school which is always lovely with the selection of English hymns that are sung. I see there is a campaign to keep the poppies in the moat of the Tower for a little longer, as it is due to be dismantled after 11 November. It is a terrific tourist attraction and quite an evocative sight, so maybe that is not a bad idea.

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