Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Autumn on the golf course

On the way to the hairdresser today I drove through Headley (where the now well known Headley Court Rehabilitation Centre for wounded soldiers is based) and I am convinced that this road has the best display of autumn leaves that I have ever seen. The problem is that it is a narrow, winding country road with absolutely no where to pull over to take photos. So I stopped at an inlet whereby golfers cross the road and took this shot of the trees on the golf course - the golf course has beautiful autumn colours but not as spectacular as the trees lining the road leading there, which I was unable to capture. I have given this a bit of an HDR treatment to emphasize those lovely autumn colours.

Gavin returns today from being in Australia for 10 days, and we are off to Luke's parent's evening - his last one ever, where have those years gone?

So no sooner does Gavin get home and (for a change) I go off on Sunday afternoon to Bournemouth where I am attending a 3 day portrait photography workshop/course at a photography school based there. I am really looking forward to it but I imagine it will be quite intense, 9am to 5pm for 3 continuous days. I just hope I remember all that I am taught! As I will be staying in Bournemouth I have had quite a bit of juggling of arrangements on the domestic front, but hopefully it will all go off ok.

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