A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

Ninja monkey acquires an RSI

Oh the temptation...

250 mini dairy milk bars
250 mojos
400 chocolate hearts
120 packets of love hearts
120 gold and purple favour bags
1 Beyonce CD
Plenty of tea.

Ninja Monkey has made all the favour bags for the wedding tonight. She is a one monkey production line. Ninja Monkey has also been doing an "In concert with Beyonce" session. Ninja Monkey cannot sing for toffee. Or sweets. Or chocolate.

120 favour bags stuff full of sugary badness.

NM only ate 1 (yes 1) mini dairy milk bar...however, Junior Ninja Monkey used frequent stealth mode attacks and stole mojos whilst NM was not looking. Ninja husband to be also raided the bag of love hearts. What's the world coming to?

Another job ticked off the list.

Waiting for the last two to confirm now.

Seating plan done (version 3...no more changes).

Tomorrow - practice run on hair, Ninja husband to be to collect the rings from the jewellers (on his motorbike just for the fun of it - although must remind him to remove his bike helmet just in case they think he is attempting to rob the place) and NM will be making name cards. Maybe choosing music too and making CD's for background entertainment after the service.

Ninja Monkey is very happy at the confirmation conversation she has had with someone tonight...happy because her friend is coming, but also because its another quality photographer...NM will sleep easy tonight knowing she will have a team of paparazzi like friends and family at her wedding to the Ninja husband to be...

4 weeks tomorrow.

Holy Cow!

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