Hebs has a haircut

Joy and rapture - my hairdresser came round for a pre-wedding chat about the mop top that is sat on my bonce. Whilst here, she cut my hair and now I feel much better. Not had it cut since September, as Kay left the salon. However - home hair cuts with her are definitely the way forward :-)

Also had a distinctly girlie evening - playing around with make up - locked myself in the bathroom for half an hour. I apologised to Corin. He told me it was fine, seeing as I was a girl and everything. Then he proceeded to ask me if I had any dolls! Hmmm.

Corin collected the rings from the jewellers today. Another job done.

Other than that, nothing to report as it has been a thoroughly lazy day. Tomorrow I will do the things I planned to do today. Maybe.

Oh, and by the way, they aren't wrinkles, they are laughter lines. Life is good :-)

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