St Florian

While most may associate St Florian as being the patron saint of firefighters, Nogbad never fails to mention that he (St Florian, that is) is also responsible for brewers. Nogbad is simply responsible for keeping them busy.

While England still trying to find a solution to the firefighters strike, tonight the smaller of the two German railway unions representing the drivers, is striking for 4 days until Sunday night. While I think most people agree that having responsibility for transporting 750 passengers at 300 kmh is undervalued, this strike is not about pay & conditions but the drivers union in a power struggle with the larger union who represent the majority of all other railway workers. Sympathy for their cause is now melting fast and is threatening to damage the whole union movement.

Angie is luckily this week, not having to go to Munich. Hope though that a solution found soon before there is an overreaction.

On other news - recovered from yesterday's "stress". Having a debt to pay, headed off to a hamlet south of Ottobeuren. Should do my credit worthiness rating good, paying one week earlier than the annual traditional rural "payment" date of 11/11, St Martin's Day and of course Armistice Day in the UK & Commonwealth.

On the way back, parked near the Observatory and found a new dog walk through the hamlet of Wolferts and over the fields in to our old Bannwald forest walk. Although the weather changed last night and the temperature in single figures and the very damp air about to turn to proper rain, I really enjoyed the walk and felt very buoyed up. The Blip was painted on the wall of one of the houses. I always have doubts about the prayer to St Florian which includes the line:
"O holy Saint Florian, spare my house, kindle others"

Back home the rain had started and I had to try clearing up the yard full of cars, tractors, trailers quickly deposited out of the way for yesterdays hedge massacre. The tractor's front bucket needed to be emptied of logs so that I could push aside branches to free the entrance to the garage.

MrB popped over with some battery terminal grease so that I could fit yesterdays UPS delivered battery for the jeep. That will please my son-in-law Barry & son J who had to cope with the poor battery almost exactly a year ago. Somehow have managed to keep going since then but it won't survive another winter. Too little use, short journeys and enormous energy needs of a "modern" car.

At midnight the rain turned to snow. It won't be more than a sprinkle but I suspect we will be lighting the wood fire for the first time this heating season. The chimney sweep (St Florian also their patron saint!) was here last week, so I trust we won't need the protection of St Florian. I wonder who is the patron saint of bank accounts and lottery players, could do with their help.

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