Phoebe snap

I could make life easy and simply copy/paste Angelique's journal today. I have used a feline motive but all the words fit.

Had our first snow overnight, two days ago we had +20°C. Only a sprinkling but the wonderful warm weather is surely over. I thought it was supposed to be dry today but it drizzled all day. Luckily Angie keen to get 3 days of Munich out of her system wanted a ride and so Rosie & the dogs got a good walk.

I stayed indoors virtually all day, only scampering across the yard to collect tools to put up a new or rather replacement coat rail for all our anoraks which we will now need for the next 6 months or so.

Angie had wanted me to find some photos on the PC for an up & coming 80th birthday. as always got backtracked and involved in all sorts of things.

I did even try catching up on comments. First stop was TochterPleach as I was worried the SNP might be holding her hostage for not returning to her homeland a few weeks ago to vote Yes. Seems she is safe for now. Then opened Angelique's and before i could read the duck story got side tracked again.

Now that I am a full member, posted a special backblip of a photo that I recently received. I really must try to clear up my old photographs and get them digitalised. I have so many old diaries and scaps of paper that I can probably be quite accurate on many dates.

I didn't photograph all day and late evening, desperate for an emergency Blip, thought I might do something with this weeks 25th anniversary of the Berlin Wall being breached. Found some old photos and documents some taken with Nogbad alongside a hole in the wall in early 1990. However thought I should backblip them to the real dates in due course.

Angie is never impressed when I sit at the PC but when she eventually sat down this evening to look at the photos I had prepared for her, she quickly got sidetracked all over the place and as one does, got deeper and deeper in the memories. Was that tree really so small? Wasn't Flash tiny and cuddly as pup?........

So Lui "doing a Phoebe" had to stand in.

Hopefully dry tomorrow. The cold bothers me less than the rain as I have lots of warm-making work to do.

For those who read the recent Blip about the hospital rage I got involved in: the "victim" phoned me now that he is back home. Indeed he only had his mobile on when he called out. He said that all had been quiet for the rest of his stay and no repeat of the shouting match. He wanted to thank me for what I did. He has some hard times ahead with chemotherapy in a month or two and I wish him well. Perhaps I will make the drive down his way in to TocherPleach country and he has said I must drop by.

I wonder if my careers advisor at age 17 was right - he said I should go in to the diplomatic service! However I am not offering my services to Ukraine, Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Iran, not even our parish council for the next dispute between two neighbours over branches hanging over the fence and falling apples killing the gnomes.

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