Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Back to the grind

Back to school this morning and true to form Will didn't wake until after 07.00 and Carys only appeared at 07.30! Will wasn't so sure about this morning as he was starting in his new class 1/R. Mummy wasn't so sure because in Class R the children go in when the door opens at 08.35, in 1/R they line up in the playground when the bell rings, so I have to abandon leave him in the yard, whilst I go in to work. Happily I passed him walking along the corridor with his new class so I knew he was in school. (Obviously I had to leave Carys in the yard last year but she was Yr 2 by then and fairly sensible, so it didn't feel quite so much like abandonment.)

Carys came out of school with a bandaged knee, which didn't bode well for swimming. Will came out quite happy but not particularly talkative. They were both grumpy by the time we got to the pool. We removed Carys's bandage to find the knee still weeping, cue a bit of amateur dramatics!

By the time we got home and had tea they were both flagging. Homework was quite trying for everyone. It is hard getting back into the swing of things again. Nevermind only four weeks to our long weekend and only 32 school days left before the next holiday.

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