Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Digswell Viaduct

Last day of the school holidays made for a lazy day. After a slow morning, we headed down to Welwyn as Jim wanted to buy some 'white ' goods from John Lewis. 'White' goods that were only released for sale on Friday. It was a good idea as while we were there I finished the vast majority of my Christmas shopping. Only a couple of things left to get.

While Jim negotiated I took the kids for coffee and muffins. Carys and William made me proud by sitting quietly while I went to the counter and waited for our drinks. Carys was reading and William was colouring in. Daddy joined us and we had a pleasant time just sitting and chilling.

Carys is now in pj's watching a DVD and William (after starting on thank you cards,) is in PJ's and playing on the computer while Daddy cooks tea. Back to school and the long run up to Christmas tomorrow. But plenty to look forward to, ballet exams, Rainbow sleepovers, Trips to somewhere near Paris, School Christmas play.

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