Learning day by day

By EmmaF

The Transport Museum

After yesterday's festivities, a day out was required so Daddy could recover. Off to London we went in the rain. Transport museum was the first stop. They had lots of fun for two hours. Stamping their cards, driving tube train simulator, driving the buses amongst other transport things.

From there we dodged into the market, bumped into our head teacher, who had been to see the poppies, to get to Wagamama without getting too wet. Kids first time at Wagamama. Both completely cleared their plates (Will eating more curry sauce than Carys) but I was slightly perturbed when Carys wrote down what she had eaten and it read "Chicken Cat Soup"!

It had stopped raining when we left so for afters we wandered along to the Burrito Café as I had a voucher for churros, dipping chocolate and hot chocolate for two. I added a coffee to the order and everyone was happy. Particularly as when I went to pay for my coffee I was told not to worry. That was a lovely surprise in London.

Stuffed full, we wandered down to Trafalgar Square and on to see the soldiers at Horse Guards. Will tried to do an impression of one of the soldiers by standing still but moving his eyes. Carys and I had to laugh as he was completely unable to disengage his jaw movement from his eye movement and looked very strange, his chin moving in time with his eyeballs.

From there we wandered through St. James's, feeding the squirrels with some nuts a lady gave us. had a look at the soldiers at Buckingham Palace and then caught the tube back to KC from Victoria.

Picnic tea on the train home. As soon as we got home Will was in the bath and Carys got herself changed into PJ's and got into bed to read at 17.30! Will was in bed and story done just before 18.00. If they lie in tomorrow I think I will cry.

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