
By Mindseye


or Christmas Cactus to you and me!

We met up with our friends Janette (2014MyLife) and Kevin today for lunch to talk holidays. They are coming out to the Canaries to join us for week in December.

We had a lovely, if rather filling lunch, but decided to go back to ours so we could watch the football as it was the Manchester Derby, they are blues, and we are reds.
Blues came out on top...just about;-)

We dont see each other as much as we used to since we moved to where we live now, but try and make it at least a couple of times a year. This year we have done well and doubled that....as we will see them again in a couple of weeks time when their first grandchild, Thomas is christened.

To todays blip, a late lazy indoor shot of my Christmas cactus which has flowered rather early, as you can see.

Weather looks ok for tomorrow so I hope to be out there searching for something more exciting?!! (Dont hold your breathe though)

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