Rainbow arches

Today was back to a bit of Hebridean gloom alleviated for a few instants by this rainbow. Two days ago when I went archaelogicising on the wild side of Benbecula, I had a glimpse of a pale Stonechat which then promptly disappeared. Having done some on-line research, a close species, the Siberian Stonechat, seemed a possibility so I went back to Benbecula to see if I could relocate the bird.
I did but it didn't want to play and remained a long way away. However I had good enough views to be convinced it was an odd ordinary Stonechat rather than anything more exotic. Whilst out in the wilds I got this view of Eaval framed by a rainbow.
If I hadn't gone, I'd have been kicking myself and it was a good excuse to get some air.

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