Mo's picture story

By jettygirlx

Sunday Papers

It's a horrible weather day.

But on the bright side, the perfect excuse for spending hours and hours drinking tea and reading the Sunday papers.

If you don't live in or have close links with Scotland you might think that all is now subdued and quiet post-referendum, but the opposite is true. In the words of one headline "The Winners are the Losers" as the Scottish Labour Party finally admits to its differences with and "bullying" by Westminster Labour and Ed Milliband & allies in particular; just as Yes campaigners had already witnessed

It's not good for Scots to be left with only one viable option for their May 2015 vote, but that's the way it's looking as the centre left hauls out its entrails. No wonder I spent so long on the admirable, grown-in-stature Sunday Herald. Sadly sub-editing of the paper is soon being moved to Wales (No, me neither) but for the moment it remains our journalistic hero!

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