Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated

Autumnal Apples

This scene just screams Autumn to me.

Taken on the way along to the hospital. An appointment with the OT. It was nice to know who I was seeing. A relationship is forming and I can be honest with her and know how she will respond.

My anxiety is starting to creep back in, I felt so nervous on the bus and was so aware of everything around me. Couldn't wait to get to the hospital and feel safe. I continually have a horrible feeling in my stomach that something awful is about to happen when outside.

We talked about my low mood, loss of appetite, feeling teary , tired and detached. With only being on week 2 of my new medication they won't have kicked in yet.

Came home and lay in the quiet on the sofa for a few hours before making some dinner.

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